Your Trusted Dentist in Rocklin, CA

Welcome to Premier Dental & Implant Center, a leading Rocklin dental office dedicated to providing comprehensive dental care to the residents of Rocklin and the surrounding communities of Roseville and Antelope. Headed by the highly skilled and compassionate Dr. Anas Jebrini, our team is committed to delivering exceptional dental services in a comfortable and modern setting. Whether you need routine dental care or more complex procedures like dental implants, our office is equipped to meet all your dental needs.

What is General Dentistry?

a patient at a dental checkup with our dentist in Rocklin, CAGeneral dentistry encompasses a broad range of dental services aimed at maintaining and improving oral health. As your trusted Rocklin dentist, Dr. Jebrini and his team focus on diagnosing, treating, and managing your overall dental health. General dentistry includes various services from routine checkups and cleanings to more complex procedures like fillings and extractions. It is the foundation of dental care, ensuring that patients maintain healthy teeth and gums throughout their lives.

Why is it Important to See Your Rocklin Dentist Annually?

Regular visits to your dentist in Rocklin, CA are crucial for maintaining optimal oral health. Annual dental check-ups allow Dr. Jebrini to detect and address any dental issues early on, preventing them from escalating into more serious problems. These visits are not just about cleaning your teeth but also involve a comprehensive examination of your oral health, including screening for gum disease, oral cancer, and other dental health issues. Regular dental appointments are key to preventing dental diseases and maintaining a healthy, beautiful smile.

A Typical Consult at Premier Dental & Implant Center

When you visit Premier Dental & Implant Center, you can expect a thorough and patient-centered approach to your dental care. A typical consult with Dr. Jebrini begins with a detailed discussion of your dental history and any concerns you might have. This is followed by a comprehensive oral examination, including digital X-rays if necessary, to assess your oral health. Based on the findings, Dr. Jebrini will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals. You can learn more about what to expect during your first visit here.

Services Offered at Our Rocklin Dental Office

A patient getting a filling at our Rocklin CA dentistDental Exams & Cleanings

Regular dental exams and cleanings are essential in maintaining oral health. During a dental exam, Dr. Jebrini performs a comprehensive assessment of your oral health, including checking for cavities, examining for signs of gum disease, and screening for oral cancer. These exams often include digital X-rays to detect issues not visible to the naked eye. Cleanings are equally important, as our hygienists meticulously remove plaque and tartar buildup that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Regular cleanings also help in preventing bad breath and maintaining a bright smile.

Professional Teeth Cleaning

Our professional teeth cleaning service goes beyond the regular brushing and flossing routine. Utilizing advanced dental tools, our hygienists thoroughly clean your teeth, targeting hard-to-reach areas that can be missed at home. This process involves removing plaque and tartar, polishing your teeth to remove surface stains, and providing fluoride treatments if necessary. These cleanings not only contribute to a healthier mouth but also enhance the aesthetics of your smile, leaving you with a fresher, cleaner feeling.

Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, can have serious implications if left untreated, potentially leading to tooth loss and affecting overall health. At our Rocklin dental office, we offer comprehensive gum disease treatment tailored to each patient’s needs. This includes deep cleaning (scaling and root planing), which involves removing plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line and smoothing out the root surfaces. This procedure helps reduce gum inflammation and allows the gum tissues to heal and reattach to the teeth. In more advanced cases, we may recommend additional treatments or refer you to a periodontist for specialized care if the gum disease is extensive.


Fillings are a common dental procedure used to repair cavities and restore the integrity of a tooth. At Premier Dental & Implant Center, we use high-quality materials for fillings, such as composite resins that match the color of your natural teeth, providing not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing results. The process involves removing the decayed portion of the tooth, cleaning the affected area, and then filling the cavity with the chosen material. Dr. Jebrini ensures that the procedure is as comfortable and pain-free as possible, with results that are durable and long-lasting.


Tooth extraction is a procedure performed when a tooth is too damaged to be repaired or in cases such as impacted wisdom teeth. Dr. Jebrini approaches extractions with the utmost care, ensuring patient comfort throughout the process. We use local anesthesia to numb the area and employ advanced techniques for a smooth extraction. Post-procedure care is also a crucial aspect, and we provide detailed instructions to ensure a quick and uneventful recovery. When necessary, we also discuss replacement options, such as dental implants or bridges, to maintain the functionality and aesthetics of your smile.

Schedule Your Visit With Dr. Jebrini Today!

If you’re looking for a reliable and caring dentist in Rocklin, CA, look no further than our dental office. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, brighter smile. Whether you’re in Rocklin, Roseville, or Antelope, Dr. Jebrini and our team are here to provide you with the best dental care in town. Join our family of satisfied patients and experience the difference at Premier Dental & Implant Center!