Emergency Dentist in Rocklin, CA

Facing a dental emergency can be a daunting experience, bringing discomfort, anxiety, and uncertainty. At Premier Dental and Implant Center, we understand the urgency and distress that come with dental emergencies. Led by our experienced and compassionate emergency dentist in Rocklin, CA, Dr. Jebrini, we are committed to providing urgent dental care to alleviate pain and address dental issues swiftly. Our priority is your health and comfort, ensuring that you receive the timely support and treatment necessary during these critical moments.

Call our Rocklin dental office today at (916) 626-5556 with questions or to schedule an appointment.  We offer competitive pricing plans and work with all major insurance carriers to help make dental care more accessible and affordable for our patients.

A patient in pain needing to see an emergency dentist in Rocklin, CA

What Constitutes A Dental Emergency?

Patients often come in after suffering for days or weeks thinking they may have been overreacting, when in reality, they should have sought out immediate care! A dental emergency encompasses any oral health issue that requires prompt attention to alleviate severe pain, stop bleeding, or save a tooth. Common emergencies include:

  • Severe toothache or pain
  • Knocked-out tooth
  • Loose or dislodged teeth
  • Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
  • Abscess or infection
  • Bleeding gums or injuries to the mouth Recognizing these signs and seeking immediate care from an emergency dentist in Rocklin, CA, like Dr. Jebrini, is crucial to preventing further complications.

If you’re not sure whether your situation is considered an emergency, give our office a call for guidance. We’re here to help you.

Why You Should Seek Help Right Away

Delaying treatment for dental emergencies can cause serious complications and end up costing you more money. Here’s why immediate treatment is essential:

1. Pain Management

Dental emergencies often cause severe pain or discomfort. Prompt treatment can alleviate pain, providing immediate relief and improving the patient’s quality of life. Delaying treatment can result in increased pain and potentially more complicated issues that are harder to manage.

2. Preventing Infection

Many dental emergencies, such as abscesses or broken teeth, can lead to infections that not only worsen oral health but also pose a risk to overall health. Infections can spread to other parts of the body, leading to serious health conditions. Immediate treatment helps control and eliminate infections before they become more severe.

3. Saving Teeth

Immediate action in the case of knocked-out teeth, loose teeth, or severe decay can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. For instance, a knocked-out tooth has the highest chance of being saved if it’s reimplanted within an hour of the accident. Prompt dental care ensures the best possible outcome for preserving natural teeth.

4. Preventing Further Damage

Dental emergencies can quickly worsen without timely intervention. A small chip or crack can lead to a broken tooth, and untreated decay can result in a painful abscess or even tooth loss. Early treatment stops these issues in their tracks, preventing further damage and more extensive, costly treatments down the line.

5. Cost-Effectiveness

Addressing dental emergencies immediately can be more cost-effective in the long run. Early treatment often involves less complex procedures compared to what would be required for advanced issues. By acting quickly, patients can avoid more extensive and expensive treatments that become necessary when problems are allowed to progress.

6. Restoring Function

Dental emergencies can significantly impair your ability to chew, speak, and perform other oral functions comfortably. Immediate care restores these functions, allowing you to return to your normal activities without delay. This restoration is not just about aesthetics but also about ensuring the health and functionality of your oral cavity.

7. Reducing the Risk of Complications

Quick response to dental emergencies reduces the risk of complications that can arise from delayed treatment. For example, an untreated infection can lead to tooth loss, jawbone damage, or even systemic infections. Early intervention minimizes these risks and promotes a faster, more effective recovery.

What to Do in An Emergency

Severe Toothache

Rinse your mouth with warm water and gently use dental floss to remove any trapped food particles. If swelling is present, apply a cold compress to the outside of your mouth or cheek. This can help with temporary tooth pain relief before you see Dr. Jebrini.

Knocked-Out Tooth

Pick up the tooth by the crown (top part), avoiding touching the root. Rinse it gently without scrubbing. If possible, reinsert it into the socket. If not, keep it moist in milk or saliva and seek immediate dental attention.

Cracked or Broken Teeth

Rinse your mouth with warm water. Use a cold compress to minimize swelling. Collect any broken tooth pieces you can find and bring them with you to your emergency appointment.

Abscess or Infection

An abscess is a severe infection that can spread and affect your overall health. Rinse with a mild saltwater solution several times a day to ease pain and draw the pus toward the surface. See Dr. Jebrini as soon as possible.

What to Expect During Your Emergency Dentist Appointment

When you visit Premier Dental and Implant Center for an emergency dental appointment, you can expect comprehensive care tailored to address the urgency and severity of your situation. Here’s a more detailed look into what happens during an emergency visit with Dr. Jebrini and our friendly team:

Prioritizing Comfort and Tooth Pain Relief

From the moment you arrive, our primary focus is on toothache relief and alleviating any discomfort you’re experiencing. Understanding the distress and anxiety that accompany dental emergencies, we offer a calming environment and pain management options tailored to your needs. Dr. Jebrini employs the latest techniques and sedation options to ensure you feel as comfortable as possible throughout your visit.

Conducting a Thorough Examination

Upon addressing your immediate discomfort, Dr. Jebrini will conduct an in-depth examination to pinpoint the cause of your emergency. This examination may include visual inspection, palpation of the jaw and affected area, and the use of digital X-rays or other advanced imaging technologies. These diagnostic tools are vital for uncovering the extent of the damage or infection, allowing us to devise an effective treatment plan.

Utilizing Diagnostic Tools

The use of digital X-rays and other imaging technologies plays a crucial role in emergency dental care. These tools offer a detailed view of your teeth, bones, and surrounding tissues, revealing problems that may not be visible to the naked eye. Whether it’s identifying hidden tooth decay, assessing the extent of a tooth fracture, or diagnosing an abscess, these images are indispensable for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Crafting a Tailored Treatment Plan

With a precise diagnosis in hand, Dr. Jebrini will discuss the findings with you and recommend a tailored treatment plan. This plan not only aims to resolve the immediate issue but also considers your long-term oral health. Treatment options may range from simple procedures, such as filling a cavity or re-cementing a crown, to more complex treatments like root canal therapy or tooth extraction, depending on the severity of your situation.

Offering Temporary or Comprehensive Solutions

Depending on the nature of your emergency and the recommended treatment plan, Dr. Jebrini may be able to provide a temporary solution to relieve pain and stabilize the condition until a permanent treatment can be performed. In cases where immediate, comprehensive treatment is possible, Dr. Jebrini and his team will proceed with the necessary procedures to fully address the emergency.

Ensuring Follow-up Care

After your emergency treatment, Dr. Jebrini will provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. Follow-up appointments may also be scheduled to monitor your healing process and to complete any remaining treatments. Our commitment to your oral health extends beyond the initial emergency visit, as we aim to prevent future problems and maintain your overall dental well-being.

Our Emergency Dental Care Services

We provide a comprehensive range of emergency services designed to address various urgent dental needs. Under the expert care of Dr. Jebrini, our emergency services are tailored to offer immediate relief and effective solutions. Here’s a closer look at the emergency services we provide:

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery encompasses a range of procedures that may be required in an emergency, including tooth extractions, wisdom teeth removal, and surgical treatment of oral infections. Our team is equipped with the expertise and technology to perform these procedures with the utmost care, ensuring your comfort and safety throughout the process.

Root Canals

Root canal therapy is a common emergency procedure aimed at saving a tooth that has been severely damaged by decay or infection. By removing the infected pulp, cleaning the inner chambers, and sealing the tooth, Dr. Jebrini can alleviate pain and preserve your natural tooth, preventing the need for extraction.

Fixing or Replacing Crowns & Bridges

Crowns and bridges play a crucial role in restoring and protecting damaged teeth or replacing missing ones. In an emergency, we can address issues like loose, broken, or lost crowns and bridges, providing repairs or replacements to restore your smile’s functionality and appearance promptly.

Treating Dental Abscess and Infections

Dental abscesses and infections can lead to severe pain and potential health risks if not treated immediately. Our emergency services include diagnosing and treating these conditions, often involving drainage of the abscess, antibiotic therapy, and root canal treatment if necessary, to eliminate the infection and prevent its spread.


Emergency situations may also involve the need for immediate fillings due to cavities or minor fractures. Our team can quickly assess the extent of decay or damage and provide durable, tooth-colored fillings to restore the tooth’s structure and relieve discomfort.

Treating Knocked-Out & Broken Teeth

Knocked-out (avulsed) or broken teeth require prompt attention to maximize the chances of saving the tooth and preventing further damage. We offer immediate treatments, such as re-implantation for avulsed teeth and repair for broken teeth, utilizing advanced restorative techniques to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I have a dental emergency after hours?

Premier Dental and Implant Center provides instructions for after-hours dental emergencies. Contact our office immediately; we offer guidance on managing your situation until you can be seen. We are a dentist open on Saturdays for those pesky emergencies that happen over a weekend.

Can a lost filling or crown be considered an emergency?

Yes, a lost filling or crown can be an emergency as it may lead to pain, infection or further damage. Try to keep the crown safe and contact us for an urgent appointment.

How can I avoid dental emergencies?

Regular dental check-ups and maintaining good oral hygiene can significantly reduce the risk of emergencies. Wearing a mouthguard during sports and avoiding hard foods that can crack teeth are also preventive measures.

How to stop tooth pain fast?

The best thing you can do is to come in to our dental office for an evaluation and treatment. Until you can get in to us, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever to help with some immediate toothache relief.

How quickly can I be seen by an emergency dentist in Rocklin, CA?

We strive to see emergency cases as quickly as possible, often on the same day. Our team understands the importance of fast action in emergencies and will do our utmost to accommodate you.

Can antibiotics cure a dental abscess?

Antibiotics can help manage the infection, but they’re not a cure. Abscesses often require drainage and may need root canal treatment or extraction to fully resolve.

Is toothache a sign of a dental emergency?

Severe toothache, especially if accompanied by swelling or fever, can indicate an emergency that requires prompt treatment.

What should I bring to my appointment?

When heading to your appointment at Premier Dental and Implant Center, being prepared can help streamline the process and ensure you receive the most effective care possible. Here’s a checklist of items to bring to your dental appointment with Dr. Jebrini:

  • Identification and Insurance Information: Bring a valid form of identification, such as a driver’s license or passport. Also, have your dental insurance card or information handy. This ensures the office can quickly process any claims and discuss coverage options with you.
  • List of Current Medications: Include any prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and supplements you’re currently taking. This information is crucial for Dr. Jebrini to avoid prescribing treatments that could interact negatively with your current regimen.
  • Medical History Summary: If you have a detailed medical history, especially conditions that could affect dental treatment (such as diabetes, heart conditions, or allergies), bring a summary or documentation. This helps in tailoring your emergency care to accommodate any health considerations.
  • Payment Method: Be prepared for any costs not covered by insurance. Bring a form of payment (credit card, debit card, or cash) to settle any copays or fees for services rendered.
  • List of Questions or Concerns: In the stress of a dental emergency, it’s easy to forget to ask important questions about your condition, treatment options, and what to expect post-treatment. Writing down your questions or concerns beforehand ensures you get all the information you need during your visit.
  • A Companion: If you’re in severe pain, stressed, or expecting to undergo sedation, consider bringing a friend or family member with you. They can provide emotional support, help with communication, and assist with transportation, especially if you’re unable to drive after the procedure.

Get Toothache Relief Now & Contact Us!

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, don’t wait. Contact Premier Dental and Implant Center immediately for an appointment with our emergency dentist in Rocklin, CA. Dr. Jebrini and our team are here to provide the urgent care you need to relieve pain and address your dental concerns swiftly. Remember, acting quickly can be crucial to saving your teeth and protecting your oral health.